What is the event?

We had various successful book summary events. We all learned together and discussed our ideas to develop a better understanding of the concepts. To further instill this habit of learning, let's begin reading together.

This is an event where we come together to read a book from the beginning to the end.

Why are we doing this?

A journey well shared is a journey well enjoyed. A new book is no less than an untraversed journey. Let's celebrate this journey of reading a book together with our awesome community. During this discussion, different minds will come together to share different perspectives and build a solid foundation of concepts. Let's create a space where we can read, learn, and discover together.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3d32e729-09ac-44b0-9621-9c752bcb4848/download.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3d32e729-09ac-44b0-9621-9c752bcb4848/download.png" width="40px" /> Don't forget to post about the summary or learnings from the event on social media and tag your friends and @neogcamp with these hashtags: #DevReads #teamtanayjschallenge


<aside> 📢 Kudos devReaders! We are almost halfway through the book - Eloquent JavaScript. When we started our goal was to develop the habit of reading and build consistency. From there we have come a long way. Thus, to recognize all the dev readers we are sharing your devReads journey from the teamtanay Twitter handle. So write a thread on Twitter to share your learnings for the last 15 sessions. What did you like the most? How do you like the sessions? and What was the most interesting thing for you from the book reading events? And don’t forget to tag your friends and @neogcamp with these hashtags: #DevReads #teamtanayjschallenge


How to join**? What are the timings?**

We mostly get together on a zoom call; the link will be shared prior to the event on #TeamTanayCommunity discord server. Timings: Saturday/Sunday 7pm (In case, if there are any changes in timings, it’ll be announced on the discord server)

Let's get started:

Book Name: Eloquent JavaScript

🥁 Eloquent JavaScript will be the first book we cover as DevReaders. 🥁 **

"A concise and balanced mix of principles and pragmatics. I loved the tutorial-style game-like program development. This book rekindled my earliest joys of programming. Plus, JavaScript!" —Brendan Eich, creator of JavaScript

<aside> 📌 Your Pre-kit:

Eloquent JavaScript Third Edition

book link - https://eloquentjavascript.net/